Before the plane crash Residents Hear Sound Explosion

Merpati Airlines plane crashed on the type MA 60 will land at the airport Kaimana,West Papua. When the fall, local residents had heard a loud noise like an explosion.

According to Bangs, residents around, he heard a plane roar of passing air atapproximately 14:00 CDT. Moments later you hear a loud enough.

"Apparently there are plane crashes," Bangs said when contacted Legal, Saturday(05/07/2011). Bangs added, when the incident Kaimana area was drenched with heavy rain and thick fog.

At least 15 people were killed in the incident plane crash that crashed. Two of themchildren under five years old (toddlers).

Director General of Civil Aviation Ministry of Transport Harry Bakti justify the possible cause of the crash due to bad weather. Because when will land the conditions there in the rain.

"The condition of the rain and the aircraft has not reached the landing and fell 500 meters from the airport, and drowned in the sea," he said when contacted separately.

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