Aircraft crashes in Padan

One aircraft crashed during a dragonfly type attractions in Padang, West Sumatra.The plane crashed after attractions in the sky.

According to eyewitnesses, Tya, then there are two planes that do attractions. Bothsmoke. However, a plane piloted by Flight Lieutenant Colonel Saleh Zakaria (56)issued a thicker smoke.

Furthermore, the plane piloted by Zakaria fell on the Road Galaxy, HousingPerumdam, stumps Black, Padang at around 18:00 pm.

"When action swooped upward, both smoke. One thick," said Tya, Thursday, June 24, 2011.

According to him, the engine died while still in the air. Meanwhile, one pesawaatagain managed to land safely.

Condition of the aircraft itself is damaged very badly. While the pilot has beensuccessfully evacuated to Zakaria M Jamil Hospital, Padang.

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